Las Cruces, NM| November 9-11
Public Speaking- Dr. Lacey Roberts-
Dr. Lacey Roberts-Hill is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Agricultural and Extension Education at NMSU. She graduated with her Ph.D. in Agricultural Leadership, Education, and Communications from Texas A&M University. Dr. Roberts-Hill educated class 15 about do's and don'ts of public speaking. She also provided some practice on presentations.
New Mexico Livestock Board- Skylar Davis and Dr. Ralph Zimmerman.
NMDA Marketing & Development
The New Mexico Department of Agriculture (NMDA) Marketing and Development Division spoke to class 15 about their global marketplace development of New Mexico foods and agricultural products, as well as the farmers, ranchers and agribusinesses who produce and supply those products. NMDA supports New Mexico farmers, ranchers, and other agribusinesses through a variety of marketing, promotional, and sales activities.
Santa Teresa Border Authority
The New Mexico Border Authority is an executive branch state agency that provides leadership in the development of the state's international ports of entry at the Santa Terea port. The staff explained some of the upcoming project at the border that will encourage international trade from Mexico.Santa Teresa International Export/Import Livestock Crossing in southeastern New Mexico
Daniel Manzanares, the director of the facility, showed class 15 the role of the border cross and internal cattle exports and imports. Cattle crosses almost daily and the largest cattle crossing in the US.
Mesa Farmers’ Cooperative- Cotton Gin
Driving through the Mesilla valley in late November is a treat for agriculture enthusiast, there are fields of white fluffy cotton. Class 15 got a close look at the cotton industry and the process of ginning at Mesa Farmers in Vado, NM. Mesa Farmers’ Cooperative is a jointly owned commercial enterprise that produces and distributes quality pima and upland cotton. Cotton farmers throughout the Mesilla valley ship and gin their cotton at Mesa Famers Cotton Gin. During this time of the year the cotton gin runs 24 hours a day with no breaks until all the cotton is bound for storage in blue plastic as the images below illustrate.
Dean Rolando Flores ACES College-
Dr. Rolando Flores is the ACES Dean and Chief Administrative Officer expressed his passion for leadership and how he worked to create teamwork at NMSU and his previous positions. He gave class 15 advice about leadership and tools to advance their careers.
Personality Assessments- Dr. Jay Lilywhite
Dr. Jay Lillywhite is a professor within the Department of Agricultural and Extension Education and the department head at NMSU. His areas of expertise include agribusiness management, business feasibility, and marketing. Dr. Lillywhite educated the class on the assessment of DISC. He explained how these types of assessments can assist with working with others and becoming a skilled leader.
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